Ovation Group

10 Princes Street

Caulfield North

10 Princes Street
Available Now

Development Details


Residential Lots


Commercial Lots

Available Services


Development Description

Ovation Group Pty Ltd (OVATION) are the service provider responsible for the delivery of the following services into your apartment at 10 Princes Street Caulfield North:

  • Internet
Ovation Group Pty Ltd (OVATION) are the service provider responsible for the delivery of the following services into your apartment at 10 Princes Street Caulfield North. • Electricity; • Gas; and • Hot Water. OVATION is NOT responsible for Cold Water – you will need to contact your local water authority for this service. On settlement Ovation will make sure all your services listed above will be connected. You have no firsttime connection charges as they were all paid during the property settlement process. However, you do need to enter into a service supply agreement: 1. Electricity services can only be turned on during business hours; 2. Please allow up to 24 hours prior to moving in for electricity to be turn-on; and 3. If you have recently settled the purchase of the property, OVATION does turn-on electricity to allow your property to be inspected; but 4. Approximately 5 days after settlement electricity is turned off if an agreement has not been signed for service supply. To connect your Electricity, Gas and Hot Water please complete the application form at the back of this information pack. The process to enable the services connection is quite quick but we encourage you to complete the application form well in advance. Please make sure you specify your move-in date. You will not be charged for any Electricity, Gas or Hot Water usage which may occur prior to your moving into your property. We also have some great news. Whilst OVATION does supply your property with Gas for your domestic cooktop, you will not be charged for gas usage within your apartment. As part of our service OVATION provide gas to the cooktops free of charge. If you have any questions, you can email us at ready2connect@ovationgroup.com.au and we’ll be happy to help. Yours Sincerely, The team at OVATION


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